Welcome to Gemani Consulting

Industry marketing experts are now taking on students to teach them their greatest marketing strategies that made them multi-millionaires and form the foundations of their businesses.
We have brought you the greatest opportunity ever seen in the last decade. The opportunity to change your life, your business, and your financial situation, is now right at your fingertips. Never before have you been able to walk into a room full of multi-millionaires and ask them how you can achieve the same level of success that they have.

Are you ready to take your business to the next level?!?
Whether you're a COACH, THERAPIST, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, SPEAKER, INSTRUCTOR, PRACTITIONER or any other service-based role, a lot of us (myself included), created a business to help individuals experience healthier, happier lives. But what we do isn't easy! And oftentimes we do it alone or with very little support. There are a lot of moving pieces and it can feel overwhelming at times. But help is here!

The work you do is so rewarding and so incredibly important!
(Ideally, your work should be rewarding both spiritually and financially. If it's not, I can help get you there.)
My GOAL is to help you succeed as a small business entrepreneur by sharing what I've learned as a Digital Marketer over the last 20 years. Everything you find on this site - valuable tools, tips, and training - is designed to help you reach more customers, grow your marketshare, and to thrive in the wellness industry. You can do this and I'm here to help you!

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